In a nut shell, what does the law do?
- This new Oregon law, which was called Senate Bill 102 in the 2009 Oregon Legislature, accelerates the turnover of older uncertified wood stoves and other solid fuel burning devices by requiring the removal of uncertified (non-EPA certified or non-ODEQ certified) wood stoves or wood fireplace inserts upon sale of a home.
- The law also applies to uncertified wood stoves in outbuildings, shops and garages.
- Un-certified stoves will either not have an EPA certification or an Oregon DEQ certification sticker (issued in the mid 1980’s) or be listed on EPA’s website of certified stoves.
- Pellet stoves, masonry heaters and wood-fired furnaces are exempt.
- Uncertified wood stoves are required to be removed ONLY when a home is SOLD.
- The law will address enforcement and education and a “basket” for funds to support these campaigns.
- The seller and buyer must come to agreement which is responsible for arranging for the removal and destruction of the uncertified woodstove and there is a 30 day window to comply.
- Current Oregon law will not allow an uncertified wood stove to be sold or reinstalled.
- The law requires that the uncertified wood stove is both removed and destroyed (recycled) and that verification of the destruction is sent to Oregon DEQ. Rules on the reporting requirements to verify the removal and destruction of the uncertified wood stove will be drafted. Until the rules are drafted, removal is mandatory and reporting of the destruction of the uncertified wood stove is voluntary.
When will the law be in effect?
- The law goes into effect August 1, 2010.
- ODEQ estimates the administrative rules will be in effect October 1, 2010.
This gap means the requirement for reporting to ODEQ when a stove is removed will be essentially voluntary until the rules are adopted because the rules will establish a process for reporting the removal and destruction of uncertified stoves.
- ODEQ will provide resources on their website starting August 1 to assist a home seller/ buyer with voluntary reporting. Once the rules are approved a formal process will be in place for reporting.
Go to: for more information.